Monday, August 23, 2010

Шинэ баатруудын ур чадвар болон дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Та бүхэндээ удахгүй гарах мапуудад гарах 3 шинэ баатруудын уч чадвар болон чадваруудын хүчний хэмжээ, хэрэглэгдэх хугацаа гээд бүх л зүйлийг тавилаа. Дэлгэгэрэнгүй орж сонирхнуу энэхүү мэдээлэл монголд ямарч сайтад гараагүй байга болно

Taka - The Crazy Bomber
Taka - The Crazy Bomber
Range: 150 | Move Speed: 320
Primary: INT
Str: 16 + 2.0 | Agi: 17 + 1.5 | Int: 22 + 2.6
Damage: 49 - 54 | HP: 454 | Mana: 286
HP Regen: 0.73 | Mana Regen: 0.89
Attack Speed: 1.2 | Armor: 2

Tiki Bomb Tiki Bomb (B)
Taka plants a time bomb inside the unit. As time passes by the bomb will explode.(The bomb will also explode if the unit creates a distance between Taka.).
Level 1 - The bomb will explode after 7 secs or if the unit creates a 700cell distance.It will deal 100 damage and 95 damage on nearby units.
Level 2 - The bomb will explode after 6 secs or if the unit creates a 650cell distance.It will deal 175 damage and 160 damage on nearby units.
Level 3 - The bomb will explode after 5 secs or if the unit creates a 600cell distance.It will deal 235 damage and 225 damage on nearby units.
Level 4 - The bomb will explode after 4 secs or if the unit creates a 550cell distance.It will deal 260 damage and 245 damage on nearby units.
Mana Cost: 95/ 115/ 125/ 140
Cooldown: 21 seconds
Framework: The target will have a voodoo face and a countdown on its head.And after the counting elapse a yellow explosion will occur like Echo Stomp of Tauren.
Double Boom Double Boom ()
A passive skill that will create a second explosion after the Tiki Bomb explodes. Also by learning this skill Taka will learn about the Hidden Arts of Running which affect his movement.
Level 1 - Tiki bomb will deal a second explosion, second explosion deals 25% damage of the Tiki bomb. Also Each time that Taka casts a skill , His Movement speed will increase by 2% (stack 5 times).
Level 2 - Tiki bomb will deal a second explosion, second explosion deals 35% damage of the Tiki bomb. Also Each time that Taka casts a skill , His Movement speed will increase by 3% (stack 5 times).
Level 3 - Tiki bomb will deal a second explosion, second explosion deals 45% damage of the Tiki bomb. Also Each time that Taka casts a skill , His Movement speed will increase by 4% (stack 5 times).
Level 4 - Tiki bomb will deal a second explosion, second explosion deals 55% damage of the Tiki bomb. Also Each time that Taka casts a skill , His Movement speed will increase by 6% (stack 5 times).
Mana Cost:
Framework: If the Ms buff is activated , Taka's feet will look like he is running. *Greater Bash effect (but not backwards)
Notes: Tiki bomb will now deal a second explosion after the initial explosion, Also MS buff will last 6 seconds.
Crazy Panic!! Crazy Panic!! (C)
Taka will bluff about exploding himself causing nearby units to panic.
Level 1 - All units around Taka 300AOE will be slowed and take 105 damage.10%Slow.
Level 2 - All units around Taka 350AOE will be slowed and take 125 damage.15%Slow.
Level 3 - All units around Taka 400AOE will be slowed and take 140 damage.20%Slow.
Level 4 - All units around Taka 450AOE will be slowed and take 170 damage.25%Slow.
Mana Cost: 105
Cooldown: 17/15/13/12
Framework: A white flash thingy will occur on Taka and an exclamation point will appear on the head of the unit that has been slowed.
Notes: Good Skill for Ganking.(does not stack)
Crashing Boom! Crashing Boom! (R)
Taka teleports on the area, affecting all units with Tiki bomb (first skill), Taka must have the skill Tiki bomb to deal the damage, IF Taka did not learn the Tiki tiki boom, Taka will just teleport and nothing will happen.This skill is affected by the Double Boom (second skill). (Can be Upgraded Aghanims Scepter,It will reduce cooldown by 30)
Level 1 - Taka can teleport on 800 distance and affect all unit around 650 AOE with Tiki bomb.If Aghanims Scepter is in the inventory, The area of effect will increase to 750.
Level 2 - Taka can teleport on 900 distance and affect all unit around 850 AOE with Tiki bomb.If Aghanims Scepter is in the inventory, The area of effect will increase to 950.
Level 3 - Taka can teleport on 1000 distance and affect all unit around 1000 AOE with Tiki bomb.If Aghanims Scepter is in the inventory, The area of effect will increase to 1050.
Taka teleports and affect all units inside the area with Tiki tiki boom, After the time passes the Tiki Boom will deal the base damage and will also damage nearby units,If Taka learned the Double Boom.This is also applied to this skill and creates the second explosion according to the percentage of the second explosion.
Mana Cost: 250/ 450/ 650
Cooldown: 120/100/80
Framework: Taka will teleport in the area and the affected unit will gain Voodoo face coundown thing on its head.
Notes: L8ter at the discussion.

Akkaida Spiriteye - The Soul Archer

Created by Enhander on 2010-08-12
Rating: 88888
Viewed 3862 times
Commented 47 times
Akkaida Spiriteye - The Soul Archer
Akkaida Spiriteye - The Soul Archer
Range: 500 | Move Speed: 295
Primary: AGI
Str: 19 + 1.5 | Agi: 23 + 2.2 | Int: 20 + 2.0
Damage: 50 - 56 | HP: 511 | Mana: 260
HP Regen: 0.82 | Mana Regen: 0.81
Attack Speed: 0.82 | Armor: 3.5

Spirit Form Spirit Form (F)
Akkaida shifts into her spirit form, losing her earthly weakness, but also losing some of her resilience to ether attacks. While in spirit form, she can also move with inhuman speed. Her attacks deal magical damage in this form.
Level 1 - Takes 80% physical damage, but spell damage is amplified by 30%. Also gains +6% MS/AS bonus.
Level 2 - Takes 60% physical damage, but spell damage is amplified by 30%. Also gains +9% MS/AS bonus.
Level 3 - Takes 40% physical damage, but spell damage is amplified by 30%. Also gains +12% MS/AS bonus.
Level 4 - Takes 20% physical damage, but spell damage is amplified by 30%. Also gains +15% MS/AS bonus.
[ Toggle ]

Cast Range: N/A
Cast Type: Metamorphosis
Cast Time: 0 [ Will not interrupt commands ]
Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 2.5
Framework: Ethereal Form animation, except no swirls of smoke around her. Akkaida also gains a slight yellow-gold tint
Notes: AS/MS bonus does not stack with yasha, but will stack with euls/any boot. Can be toggled back to normal to take full physical damage without amplified spell damage and moves/attacks slower.
Bow Thrust Bow Thrust (R)
Akkaida forcefully swings her spirit bow at an enemy near her, knocking the unit's soul out of their body. The lifeless body of the unit lies still until the soul returns to it. If the spirit cannot return to its body after 4 seconds, it is forcefully returned to its body and is stunned for 2 seconds.
Level 1 - Knocks back ethereal form 600 range. Body of the target becomes invulnerable, and the ethereal form takes +10% more damage from magical/spell damage. Deals 50 damage
Level 2 - Knocks back ethereal form 700 range. Body of the target becomes invulnerable, and the ethereal form takes +20% more damage from magical/spell damage. Deals 100 damage
Level 3 - Knocks back ethereal form 800 range. Body of the target becomes invulnerable, and the ethereal form takes +30% more damage from magical/spell damage. Deals 150 damage
Level 4 - Knocks back ethereal form 900 range. Body of the target becomes invulnerable, and the ethereal form takes +40% more damage from magical/spell damage. Deals 200 damage
[ Active ]

Cast Range: Melee
Cast Type: Single-Targeted Enemy Unit
Cast Time: 0.05
Mana Cost: 110/120/130/140
Cooldown: 12
Framework: An visible invulernable dummy unit of the target is summoned at the target point. Then, the actual unit is turned ethereal and knocked back. When the actual unit comes in contact with the dummy unit again, the effect ends.
Notes: Ethereal form loses 10% MS, not 50%. Knockback duration is 1 second. Will not knock back over impassable terrain, but will destroy trees in the knockback path (follows greater bash rules). Damage type is magical.
Spirit Tether Spirit Tether (T)
Fires an arrow at a target point. The arrow travels a maximum of 1800 distance, and latches onto the first enemy non-neutral unit it encounters. The tether then shortens itself, pulling Akkaida along with it.
Level 1 - Burns up to 100 mana and stuns for 1% of that amount in seconds. Tether then shortens to 500 length, pulling Akkaida along with the unit for up to 5 seconds, or if Akkaida releases
Level 2 - Burns up to 200 mana and stuns for 1% of that amount in seconds. Tether then shortens to 600 length, pulling Akkaida along with the unit for up to 10 seconds, or if Akkaida releases
Level 3 - Burns up to 300 mana and stuns for 1% of that amount in seconds. Tether then shortens to 700 length, pulling Akkaida along with the unit for up to 15 seconds, or if Akkaida releases
Level 4 - Burns up to 400 mana and stuns for 1% of that amount in seconds. Tether then shortens to 800 length, pulling Akkaida along with the unit for up to 20 seconds, or if Akkaida releases
[ Active ]

Tether arrow travels at 500 units/second and has an AOE of 150

Cast Range: 3000
Cast Type: Ground Point Targeted
Cast Time: 0
Mana Cost: 100/110/120/130
Cooldown: 30
Framework: A very thin, yellow-gold arrow will be fired.
Notes: If unit does not have mana, tether will not burn mana or stun, but will still latch on. It will work like hookshot, where it will pull Akkaida towards the unit over any terrain, but it will stop 500/600/700/800 units before the target. It then pulls Akkaida along with the unit whereever it goes. During this, Akkaida can attack and cast. If Akkaida uses the Release (e) subskill, the tether is immediately released
Spirit Eye Spirit Eye (Y)
Akkaida does not see the world through her night elf eyes, but rather through her ethereal spirit eye. Her spirit eye is incredibly sharp, allowing her to target and see much farther than normal. It also gives precise shots. The drawback however, is that she can no longer shoot units that are standing near her.
Level 1 - Gives her a 700 attack range, and extends her day night vision to 2000/1000, and increases cast range of all spells by 100. Causes her attacks to deal more damage the farther she is from her target.
Level 2 - Gives her a 800 attack range, and extends her day night vision to 2200/1200, and increases cast range of all spells by 200. Causes her attacks to deal more damage the farther she is from her target.
Level 3 - Gives her a 900 attack range, and extends her day night vision to 2400, 1400, and increases cast range of all spells by 300. Causes her attacks to deal more damage the farther she is from her target.
Level 4 - Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade: Gives her aerial vision.

[ Passive ]

The following determines bonus damage from this skill:

If Akkaida attacks from...

100 Range: +(AGI + 10) damage
200 Range: +(AGI + 20) damage
300 Range: +(AGI + 30) damage
400 Range: +(AGI + 40) damage
500 Range: +(AGI + 50) damage
600 Range: +(AGI + 60) damage
700 Range: +(AGI + 70) damage
800 Range: +(AGI + 80) damage
900 Range: +(AGI + 90) damage

Cast Range: N/A
Cast Type: Passive Self Buff
Cast Time: N/A
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Framework: She has a glowing yellow eye ( like the icon ) above her head.
Notes: Levelling up this skill gives her a minimum attack range of 100/200/300.


Role: DPS Carry

Akkaida is one of those hunter heroes that is good at ganking from afar. Her superior attack range out-does sniper, but unfortunately if you're attack from close by, you cannot counter-attack. She has several skills to help her fix these problems, more in the skill discussion section

( + ) Superior attack range
( + ) Has a movement speed buff
( + ) Can kill from far away
( + ) Great chaser with Spirit Tether
( + ) Base Stats and Stat gain are around average or above average
( + ) Reduced physical damage intake from Spirit Form
( + ) Above average BAT of 1.5

( - ) Low STR gain makes her sort of a glass cannon late game
( - ) Cannot attack melee units when they are right beside her
( - ) Skills are not noob-friendly and need skill to reach full potential
( - ) Below average movement speed
( - ) No real burst damage
( - ) No escape mechanism besides superior movement speed with skill
( - ) Reduced magic resistance from Spirit Form
( - ) Dies easily to burst damage nukers

Skill Discussion_

~ Spirit Form ~ (f) [ Toggle ]

Spirit form makes Akkaida a pain for pure physical DPS heroes, or in the special cases of Bristleback and Dazzle. However, if used by a noob, could potentially harm her because of the -20% magic resistance. However, the MS/AS buff is pretty substantial and gives her superior movement speed.

~ Bow Thrust ~ (r) [ Active ]

This skill helps her deal with her inability to hit units that are < 300 range from her. It also pushes them to the full extension of her attack range, allowing for maximum damage output. If used in unison with Spirit Tether, can be devastating. Synergizes well with Spirit Form's magical damage as well. However, the knockback could help an enemy escape if used incorrectly

~ Spirit Tether ~ (t) [ Active ]

Her bread and butter skill. Use this well and you'll be a happy Soul Archer. If not, you're as good as dead. The latch on ability allows her to keep a constant 800 distance between her and her target, allowing for her ultimate damage to kick in. It is also useful for manaburning units and stunning them. However, it is hard to aim. In addition, if you are dragged into the enemy team by surprise, you are basically dead. Not for inexperienced.

~ Spirit Eye ~ (y) [ Passive ]

This can either be an asset or something that will kill you, mostly depending on who is using Akkaida and who your enemies are. This gives Akkaida the ability to attack from quite a distance, but sacraficing the ability to attack close ranged units. Adds quite a bit of damage, but only if your target stays in the right range. Smart enemies will either run or go closer to you. If you aren't silenced or stunned however, you can knock them back using Bow Thrust.
Aryx - The Nullwalker
Aryx - The Nullwalker
Range: 375 | Move Speed: 305
Primary: INT
Str: 22 + 1.85 | Agi: 18 + 1.4 | Int: 26 + 2.85
Damage: 55 - 59 | HP: 568 | Mana: 338
HP Regen: 0.91 | Mana Regen: 1.05
Attack Speed: 1.47 | Armor: 3

Ghost Pulse Ghost Pulse (T)
Aryx emits a dark, blasting energy, dealing magic damage to all enemies in a 500 AOE around him. Damage dealt is based on how much mana is missing from Aryx' mana pool, in addition to a set value. Ghost Pulse is autocast for no cost if Aryx' mana pool reaches zero and the spell is not on cooldown.
Level 1 - 80 base damage plus 1.25 damage for each 1% mana missing.
Level 2 - 140 base damage plus 1.5 damage for each 1% mana missing.
Level 3 - 200 base damage plus 1.75 damage for each 1% mana missing.
Level 4 - 260 base damage plus 2 damage for each 1% mana missing.
Mana Cost: 140/160/180/200
Cooldown: 16/13/10/7
Planar Disruption Planar Disruption (R)
Aryx opens a rift into another plane of reality, causing a distortion in a targeted area. Enemies in the area are dealt magic damage, and mini-stunned every 0.5 seconds for the course of the duration.
Level 1 - 50 damage per second, lasts 3 seconds. 350 AOE.
Level 2 - 60 damage per second, lasts 4 seconds. 375 AOE.
Level 3 - 70 damage per second, lasts 5 seconds. 400 AOE.
Level 4 - 80 damage per second, lasts 6 seconds. 425 AOE.
Mini-stun lasts for 0.01 seconds.
Mana Cost: 150/175/200/225
Cooldown: 18
Energy Beacon Energy Beacon (C)
Aryx constantly manipulates a yawning abyss within himself to tug at spellcasters' energies, including his own. Projects an aura that causes enemies' spells to cost more mana, while also passively decreasing the mana cost of his own spells.
Level 1 - 12% increased mana cost, 300 AOE. Reduces Aryx' spells' mana costs by 10.
Level 2 - 14% increased mana cost, 400 AOE. Reduces Aryx' spells' mana costs by 20.
Level 3 - 16% increased mana cost, 500 AOE. Reduces Aryx' spells' mana costs by 30.
Level 4 - 18% increased mana cost, 600 AOE. Reduces Aryx' spells' mana costs by 40.
Mana Cost: NA
Cooldown: NA
Shield of Eternity Shield of Eternity (E)
Aryx creates an alternate reality and imprisons himself in it, rendering him immobile, impervious to harm and draining mana per second to fuel the spell. Mana drained per second starts at 0 for the first second and increases by 25 each subsequent second; mana drains continuously, not at intervals.
Level 1 - 150 initial cost, 80 second cooldown.
Level 2 - 125 initial cost, 60 second cooldown.
Level 3 - 100 initial cost, 40 second cooldown.
Aryx is immune to all damage, debuffs, stuns or other disables while the shield is up.
Silencing Aryx ends the spell.
Aryx moving ends the spell.
Mana Cost: 150/125/100
Cooldown: 80/60/40

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